Best Practices for Engaging Your Online Congregation During Live Streamed Services

Just hitting "Go Live" isn’t enough to engage your online audience. To create a meaningful worship experience for viewers at home, you need to take additional steps to keep them engaged throughout the service.

Tip 1: Encourage Interaction
One of the benefits of live streaming is that it allows for real-time interaction. Encourage your online viewers to comment, ask questions, or share prayer requests during the service. Assign a team member to monitor these comments and respond to keep the conversation going.

Tip 2: Offer Clear Directions
It can be easy for online viewers to feel lost if they don’t know what’s happening during the service. Make sure to explain each part of the service clearly. For example, when it’s time for communion, explain how viewers at home can participate with their own elements.

Tip 3: Keep Online Viewers in Mind
Address your online congregation directly at various points in the service. A simple greeting or a word of thanks for joining can go a long way in making them feel included.

By making small adjustments to your service and encouraging interaction, you can keep your online viewers engaged and help them feel connected to your church.


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