Eyewitness Bible Series

Sermon.net is a co-producer of the Eyewitness Bible Series and makes these videos available completely FREE of charge.

Eyewitness video narratives are Bible-based and are designed to spark your imagination and provoke your curiosity, while not being controversial.

Each video is 10-20 minutes long and addresses a portion of the Bible from the viewpoint of a Bible character. The videos and study guides provide a significant amount of historical, cultural, and chronological information that the original writers and hearers of the Bible knew, but are not well-known by most people today. The videos are not recitations of Scripture.

Watch below or sign up to receive a link to download any or all of the 200+ Films. And as always, completely FREE.

This Month’s Focus: Easter

FOR CHURCHES: Churches are welcome to download, edit, and use for your own sermon starter videos, bible study classes, and personal spiritual growth as well as sharing the videos on your church website, through your social pages, and even IN your church service (in person and streaming)!

And all for free.

The Eyewitness Series was created in conjunction with Sermon.net, a leading non-profit streaming broadcast service, which has served more than 15,000 churches, organizations, and evangelists since 2005.

The purpose of the Eyewitness Bible Series is to help people learn and understand the Bible. The series is a collection of more than 200 professionally produced short films designed for individual discipleship at a cost of more than $4,000,000....and it's completely free to you.